Image to WebP Converter

Image to WebP Converter

Drag & drop an image here or click to upload.


Optional Settings

Image to WebP Converter

How to Use the Image to WebP Converter?

  1. Select an Image by drag and drop or Choose File then select the image which you want to compress size.
  2. Click on Compress to WEBP Button.
  3. You can also change the size of Image during conversion and also apply filer which you want.
  4. Download button is showing after you click Compress Image button.
  5. Click on Download WebP Image Button

Benefits of WEBP File

  1. WEBP uses advanced compression techniques, resulting in significantly smaller file sizes compared to JPEG and PNG while maintaining similar quality.
  2. WEBP images often look better than JPEGs at the same file size due to more efficient compression algorithms.
  3. WEBP supports animated images, similar to GIFs, but with better compression and quality.
  4. Most modern browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari) support WEBP, making it a viable option for web use.
  5. Smaller file sizes lead to faster loading times, enhancing user experience and SEO rankings.
  6. WEBP is an open format, free to use without licensing fees.

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